Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Stupid, Warmongering People!

The elites who would lord it over Europeans within the Soviet Union Lite they are trying to build in Brussels have a convenient excuse to deny democracy to their subjects--those bloody people keep choosing war.

Clearly, the reasonably enlightened proto-autocrats of Brussels are too good for their grubby subjects who keep messing things up:

The German Foreign Minister has declared that political parties within European countries which hamper the cooperation between EU member states are a threat to peace. ...

You express views which are – according to Frank-Walter Steinmeier, a minister of government in another country – not just contentious but unacceptable by the prevailing moral standards of the greater European consensus. So I'm afraid you can expect to become a banned organisation if Mr Steinmeier's views are at all representative of EU official opinion. He has, after all, lumped you in with the French National Front and various neo-fascist parties which threaten to revive what he calls "the nationalisms which could no longer be [tamed] by reason" thus giving rise to the First World War.

Forfend! Euroskeptics are organizing political parties! The nerve!

Is that view representative of the Euro elites? Well, that's the whole justification for the European Union.

The Euros actually believe that the people of Europe pushed their wise leaders to war against their wishes, again and again in their long history:

The elites are pretending that the public is bloodthirsty and that only erasing democracy in a smothering European bureaucracy can prevent future bloodshed.

Imagine that, the Europeans looked to their past, noticed that the rulers of Europe often rallied their publics into repeated wars against each other and the rest of the world, and concluded that the key failure in this is their own public that failed to stop the leaders! Never mind that it was the leadership that led Europe to fight. I just want to know how putting an elite that has been prone to war back in complete charge will end European wars? Isn't this recreating the Europe of divine right rulers that created the bloody swath that Europeans cut across the globe?

Institutional Europe will not be free and will not be our friend.

We should hope for--and work for--the EU's destruction as a political rather than a trade entity.

UPDATE: The EU is more likely to be a threat to peace.