Friday, August 09, 2013

It Ain't Over 'Til Kerry Says It's Over

Oh my God. Thomas Friedman has spewed another classic in the genre that is Thomas Friedman.


I admire Kerry’s doggedness in getting Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table for the first time in five years, in part by making clear that whoever said no to America’s urging that they resume talks would be called out publicly. I also like the fact that Kerry dared to fail. It is how you make history as a secretary of state. It can also be helpful to him going forward. Even a little success like this breeds more authority, and more authority can breed more success in other arenas.

That said, the prospects for an Israeli-Palestinian deal remain slim.

Yeah, saying "no" to America has so many consequences for our foes abroad.

Apparently, while a little success breeds more success, the possibility that near certain failure is the outcome which will breed contempt for our power and prestige from the region is not considered.

Clearly, Thomas Friedman has decided that Middle East peace absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part. He's rolling.

Friedman is impressed that John Kerry will dare to fail in bringing about Middle East peace? As if in the violent Middle East, the Israel-Palestinian issue is what determines war and peace? Of course he is. And Kerry's just the guy to do it.

Friedman, of course, is just the guy to proclaim it brilliant. This could be the greatest diplomatic shuttle of our lives.

I won't say you can't drown in a pool of Friedman's wisdom. But you would have to be drunk and face down to do so.

Let's do it!!!!