Friday, August 30, 2013


I want our troops to successfully and safely carry out any mission given to them regarding Syria. But I would have to be a far better man than I am not to enjoy this bit of reporting on President Obama's decision-making:

President Obama is prepared to move ahead with a limited military strike on Syria, administration officials said on Thursday, even with a rejection of such action by Britain’s Parliament, an increasingly restive Congress, and lacking an endorsement from the United Nations Security Council.

Wow. President Obama said he'd repair the damage George W. Bush did to our alliances and respect in the international community. And in a struggle to gain support for an attack on a Baathist minority dictatorship who has used chemical weapons against civilians, Bush did better than Obama thinks he can do on the UN, Congress, and Britain?

Nobody can complain about a "the coalition of the bribed, the coerced, the bought, and the extorted," as John Kerry once insultingly called allies willing to stand with us over Iraq, because our president can't even do that much.