Monday, April 01, 2013

Still Chest Thumping and Flinging Poo

I wondered if North Korean threats were being matched by actual actions that would indicate preparations to strike.

So far, so good, on the question of North Korean attack preparations:

North Korea said on Saturday it was entering a "state of war" with South Korea in response to what it termed the "hostile" military drills being staged in the South. But there have been no signs of unusual activity in the North's military to suggest an imminent aggression, a South Korean defense ministry official said last week.

Assuming we can accurately detect what we are looking for. And assuming we are looking at the right things.

I don't assume North Korea won't attack South Korea in some limited fashion on the assumption that South Korea won't dare respond except in a localized manner. But at least it seems like North Korea isn't about to have a major episode of stupid by deciding to attack South Korea more broadly.

UPDATE: We have the same view as the South Koreans on this:

The White House says that despite bellicose rhetoric from North Korea the Obama administration has not seen changes in the regime's military posture.
