Thursday, April 11, 2013

Speaking of Drooling Idiocy

Oh, Ms. Harris-Perry? I actually did build that.

So eff yourself, if you would, for your outrageous claims. Focus on your own child, if you please. Or is this a plea to help her because she can't handle the job of being a parent?

She's a professor. God help us all. First they came for the 17-ounce soft drinks. But I said nothing because I'm thin and don't really like them, anyway.

Excuse the (redacted) language of late. Some things just really push my buttons.

UPDATE: Related from Lileks. And timely. Scroll down for the screed. These intellectuals never have approved of what the dirty masses like and never will approve--no matter how much they can force the rest of us to do despite our biases against doing the right thing for the right reason.

Bugger off, you clueless, over-educated twits. We really can be happy even though you don't know why. And we don't even care that you don't understand. Study yourself--good and hard.