Thursday, December 20, 2012

Shockingly, Republicans Not At Fault

Slavery still exists on a large scale:

The leading demographic accounts of contemporary slavery project a global slave population of between 20 million and 30 million people. Most of these people have been unknowingly trafficked though the promise of opportunity by predators. Others are children literally sold by parents or relatives in order to pay off debt or to lessen their economic burden. The highest ratios of slaves worldwide are from South and Southeast Asia, along with China, Russia, Albania, Belarus, and Romania. There is a significant slave presence across North Africa and the Middle East, including Lebanon. There is also a major slave trade in Africa. Descent-based slavery persists in Mauritania, where children of slaves are passed on to their slave-holders' children.

Add in the gulag with a UN seat that is North Korea.

It is horrifying that in our modern world, slavery still exists. Just how fragile is our modernity, anyway?

Tip to Instapundit.