Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Futile and Stupid Gesture

So the end of the world is nigh (again, it seems). The Mayans, who couldn't see their own doom coming, looked farther ahead to see our end times. Apparently we're on double secret probation from a number of potential causes.

So December 21st it is. And I don't even have plans yet for End Times Eve tomorrow.

I know, you're thinking, oh, you're scared of the Mayan calendar. The Mayans dropped the big one, right?

But I'm not taking this calendar thing. This could be the best night of our lives.

Sadly, we haven't really embraced this with the spirit it deserves. Dick Clark isn't available to drop the disco ball and count down the Mayan end, but surely we could get someone.

I say, let's start drinking heavily.

When the Germans attacked Pearl Harbor, did we give up? No. (Language warning if you hit play, if you need the warning)

And the Mayans are no storm troopers. Mayans? Dead men!

If Kim Jong Un being named sexiest man alive for 2012 wasn't a sign of the end times, I don't think anything can really touch us.

It's not over until we decide it is! Who's with me?

I will say that I'll be very embarrassed if our daytime sky on Friday is filled by Nibiru.