Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Vanity of the Left is at Stake

The President of the Reality-Based Americans (tip to Instapundit)?

Andrew Sullivan is horrified because the polls show Mitt Romney might become president, and that, he says, would mean “reality-based government is over in this country again. We’re back to Bush-Cheney, but more extreme.” He ends his piece by warning "much more than Obama’s vanity is at stake.”

But the claim that President Obama leads a “reality-based government” any more than George Bush did or Romney might is rather spurious.

For once, I got ahead of the curve!

I guess it isn't so much that the President is in a bubble; it's that the bubble is large enough to include tens of millions of Americans, too. Why yes, the president's policies are beautify and enchanting!

And if you can't see that reality, you must be an idiot.

As always, the lamentation of their women is the best part.