Monday, October 15, 2012

Means and Ends

How communism can be considered cool is beyond me. Communists should inspire revulsion in Westerners who value freedom and prosperity. Sadly, that's not the way it is.

One day, if people like Nguyen Chi Thien who fought communism that he lived under, is celebrated; and if Eric Hobsbawm, who defended and excused communism from the safety of the West, is despised, then we can say that the West is truly secure from threat to our freedom.

I know some like to defend communism by saying that true communism has never been tried and that the ends justify the means if we could only get actual communism. But if every time it is tried we get murderous and poor regimes, I have to say that is what actual communism is.

Murderous means are not justified by stupid and evil ends.