Saturday, October 27, 2012

Motive, Opportunity, and Means, Too

The Sudan armaments factory that had a big explosion may or may not have been an Israeli attack. It is quite possible it was a simple accident. But if it was an air attack, could we have done the deed?

I only ask because in this article about our base in Djibouti where we fight jihadis in the Horn region and in Yemen across the Red Sea, we have a squadron of F-15E Strike Eagles based there now. They've been there a year, now.

Our aircraft could have flown up the Red Sea as easily as Israeli aircraft flying south.

Our embassy in Sudan was attacked in September. Maybe this is a quiet retaliation?

Hmm. We did close our embassy after the blast.

It could very well have been an accident in the armaments plant. But if it was an air raid, I guess we can't assume it was Israeli. Although if we did it, I'd expect someone would leak it to make sure the president got some credit.

I freely admit I'm drawing quite the picture with very few dots to connect. The simplest explanation is an accident. Then an Israeli attack. And only after that an American attack. But it is at least possible we did it.

UPDATE: Thanks to Pseudo-Polymath for the link. Pure speculation not even up to the rigorous confirmation standards of RUMINT, but still ...