Monday, October 08, 2012

Just Another Gang of Jews and Christians

I've long noted on this blog that the jihadis hate even the anti-war leftists when it comes down to it.

The Code Pink hags have travelled to Pakistan to protest our drone strikes (tip to Instapundit).

Some of the jihadis don't seem impressed by the Code Pink sympathy for the plight of jihadis:

By Saturday, a statement from a Taliban faction said to be based in eastern Pakistan warned that militants would welcome the protesters with suicide bombings.

“We ask the brave people of Waziristan not to side with the gang of Jews and Christians – otherwise their fate will be terrible,” the Punjabi Taliban said in the statement.

It's a sad day when hating America isn't enough to cement the friendship of Code Pink and Taliban terrorists. In the end, those clueless Code Pink twits are just another group of Jews and Christians who the jihadis think should be killed.

In the video, what locally produced drug is that young woman going on about germ warfare talking about using, anyway?

What a bunch of loons.

The Taliban are loony, too, of course.