Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Reset-palooza!

Russia continues to display the fruits of our "reset" policy by getting in the way of resisting the Taliban in Afghanistan:

Russia will stop cooperating with NATO over Afghanistan after 2014 unless the alliance gets U.N. Security Council authorization for its new training mission in Afghanistan, a senior Russian diplomat said on Wednesday.

A NATO official said only that it would be "helpful" to have a U.N. Security Council resolution authorizing the post-2014 training mission, but stopped short of saying it was essential.

Yeah, seeing Russia as a safe alternative to Pakistan for our ground lines of communication never seemed like an ideal situation. Fighting in land-locked Afghanistan has always made me nervous.

My ideal resolution isn't happening.

We may have bigger worries than Russia on a day-to-day basis, but for whatever bizarre reasons Moscow has, we sure seem to be Russia's biggest worry. And they seem to look for ways to trip us up.

Luckily, Putin isn't exactly the Dark Lord of our Nightmares, these days.