Friday, January 06, 2012

The Pajama-Clad Jihad

Jihadis enjoy thumping their chests and flinging poo, but most stay safely in their parents' basements online:

Last year, several Islamic terror organizations make a major effort to recruit via the Internet. Apparently this was not very successful. This is partly because supporters of Islamic terrorism are more inclined to talk about it, than actually take action. That's partly because Islamic terrorists have earned themselves a bad reputation within the Islamic community because of all the publicity given to the many Moslems killed by terror attacks. Another bit of unappetizing reality is the fate of so many Islamic terrorists, especially if they catch the attention of the Americans. There, the best you can hope for is a quick death. If you are really unlucky, you get captured, prosecuted and sent to a supermax prison for a life of isolation and not much else.

Another reason for fearing recruitment calls over the Internet is the fact that multiple intelligence and police agencies monitor the Internet for signs of recruiting, and any other terrorist activity.

There are seriously dangerous terrorists out there. But most of the noise is just from the guys who like to post scary talk online and who think hacking Call of Duty-Modern Warfare to play the role of a jihadi killing Americans on their X-Box is enough effort to defeat the Infidels.

We invented the Internet. We know how to find them if they use it. Funny, they think everything else is an American plot to destroy them--but not what we are actually using to destroy them.