Friday, January 06, 2012

The Devil is Their Co-Pilot

The Pakistanis have tilted more to the Taliban side:

Afghan Taliban have been negotiating with their Pakistani counterparts for the last two months, to achieve some kind of unified effort against "foreign (NATO) invaders" in Afghanistan. Now the Pakistan announced they have made a deal where the many feuding factions of the Pakistani Taliban will unite to enforce a truce in Pakistan (no more attacks against the government or civilians) and send fighters into Afghanistan. The Pakistani military is expected to halt operations against the Taliban to make this work.

They've already looked the other way with groups that simply attack us rather than them. Then they cut off our supply lines through Pakistan. Now this. Have the Pakistanis not noticed we are getting closer to India? Do the Pakistanis still not understand that they can't make a deal with the Devil and survive?

At some point, it won't be worth it to coddle even a nuclear Pakistan when we could simply treat them as the enemy the Pakistanis apparently want us to be.

On the bright side, Pakistan at least does have a civilian government now. Elements of the civilian government, at least, want to curb the power of the military which allows jihadis to run free in Pakistan.

Still, given the anti-American propaganda that has corrupted the views of ordinary people, even a civilian government has limits on what they can do that benefits us. But we have a way to go where what they do benefits us both--if they succeed in curbing the power of the Pakistani military.