Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Make China Pay

If North Korea goes nuclear, it will be bad news for us. But it will be worse news for those closer to North Korea who aren't building missile defenses. It will also be bad for China down the line as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan potentially react to that development by going nuclear themselves. If a psycho regime can justify nukes by invoking the threat of invasion, why can't democracies?

In the meantime, North Korea can't be trusted to stop their nuclear development. And if they truly can be bribed to do so, why are we going to pay for it (via my Jane's email updates)?

North Korea's new leadership is expected continue bilateral nuclear negotiations with the US in return for food aid, which should lead to the resumption of the six-party talks, according to analysts and policymakers in Seoul.

We will send food? Even Japan won't because North Korea won't provide information on all the Japanese citizens the North Koreans kidnapped several decades ago. And North Korea apparently isn't bad enough to accept food from South Korea. So we get stuck with the bill? Why would we want to subsidize China's ally?

The least we can do is make China pay for their little psycho ally. They can afford it. And they can't afford a nuclear Asia that they are in the middle of.