Wednesday, March 03, 2010

For God and Country?

This author dresses up his faith in global warming with an appeal to national defense awareness:

Skepticism about climate change is going mainstream, and that is worrying. One-third of Americans now say global warming doesn’t exist – triple the percentage of three years ago.

This defiance of science isn’t just harmful for the environment. It’s also distracting us from growing threats to US national security. Actual – not theoretical – effects of climate change are turning the Arctic into a potential military flash point.

So we're supposed to halt global warming to avoid war in the Arctic Circle. Ah yes, the last refuge of a climate scoundrel is truly false patriotism. And for the record, even a skeptic like myself is aware of the military implications of a thawing Arctic.

The really funny thing about the author's appeal to national security grounds to battle global warming is this part:

Major melting has spurred Russia, Canada, Denmark (via Greenland), and Norway into a new gold rush, except this time it’s about staking claim to huge reservoirs of natural gas, petroleum, and untold deposits of minerals previously inaccessible because of the polar ice shield.

Huh. It's a gold rush? It's almost as if none of those countries expect anything at all to be done to combat global warming. So who's the denier now?

But Mr. Rodgers is loyally defending the faith that Al (Gore) the Captist has reaffirmed in these dark days of wavering faith. So as a bonus, read this article.