Friday, March 19, 2010

Sick Call

I had to go get Lamb from school since she was feeling under the weather.

No temperature but she does have a bit of a rough cough going. Now she's munching on her packed lunch and some crackers, with water and juice, on the couch set up in "sick mode"--bed spread and pillow, and watching Cartoon Network. She'll be just fine, I suspect, though I'll check her temperature so often that you'd think I was a nuclear technician diligently checking core temperature so nothing REALLY BAD will happen on my watch.

Lucky I had the day off today. Lamb seemed ok when I took her to school this morning, but I have to admit now that I think about it, that I briefly wondered last night if she was coming down with something. Just some little signs but then Lamb seemed fine and in good spirits, so I didn't think much of it.

I'm glad I did my grocery shopping right after taking Lamb to school. I could have been out, and I rarely turn on my cell phone (unless I want to, you know, call someone--I don't feel obligated to be reachable 24/7).

We'll hang out until it is time to go get Mister.