Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Lamb made a newspaper recently. It is a four-pager titled simply "The Newspaper" The lead story was something about two people. It had a picture of two people--no faces--accompanied by squiggly lines indicating a story.

Page two had a happy person waving pennants of some sort, and a happy person at a restaurant holding food and a drink with a straw. And accompanying stories, of course.

Page three had stories of a happy girl with really large hands and a flower in her hair, plus a story about a court with a smiling judge and two witnesses in the boxes on either side. The stories remained squigglies so I don't know the details.

The back page, however, was where the real story was. It was the only story with words. Clearly it takes a journalism degree to get rid of those happy stories to the inside and make sure that if it bleeds it leads:

I laughed so hard when I found this lying on the floor one day. The angry teeth-baring protesters carry signs saying "Mad!" The story is that people are mad--very mad. And that it is "not good."

I'm not sure what this is about. But maybe it is all part of that 1848 vibe the world has had lately.

Like the story says, "not good."