Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Full Monty

Hugo Chavez has exposed his nature and Daniel Ortega has not mellowed since his defeat. These are two thugs, pure and simple.

Not satisfied with being an Axis of El Vil that screws their own people and just plain annoys us, the Neo-Communist regimes of South and Central America have decided to sign up for the jihad with Red-Green alliance directed against America:

The "Alliance for Justice" - Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega.

I knew that Hugo was bucking for a promotion, but he managed to bring along some fellow targets to spread the risk.

Yes, though the Leftists are infidels, since they are willing to help pull down the one infidel state that could prevent Ahmadinejad from achievin his nuclear, infidel-free glorious future, the Leftists can live a bit longer than the rest. The Leftists are "goodlife."

I've wanted to be able to ignore Chavez until his own people turn on him. But if Chavez keeps this up, can we afford to treat budding evil as merely vile?

The Netherlands needs to watch out. When rogues get together, they may decide to right an "injustice" to cement the alliance.