Monday, June 18, 2007

They Fight

The Lebanese army is still in combat after a month of battling jihadis based in a northern refugee camp:

A Lebanese security source and a Palestinian political source said the army appeared to be close to its main goal of crushing all of Fatah al-Islam's positions on the outskirts of the coastal Nahr al-Bared camp in northern Lebanon.

"The army is close to controlling all the areas outside the (official) boundaries of the camp," the security source said, expecting the operation to end in the next few days. "It is not going to enter the camp."

What I'm most impressed about is the ability of the Lebanese army to advance and endure casualties in a protracted fight. At least elements of this military have some staying power.

UPDATE: Strategypage writes:

In Tripoli, Lebanon, the army is still fighting fifty or so Islamic terrorists in a Palestinian refugee camp. The fighting has been going on for weeks, and the army has displayed a low level of competence and leadership.

To be fair, I didn't say I was impressed with their skills--just their staying power. My standards are low here, I admit. Just being willing to fight and endure casualties will be good enough if at the end of the day the Lebanese army destroys the jihadis in the camp.