Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Big "Well Duh" Moment

The Red Cross reports this fascinating information about the war in Afghanistan:

"Civilians suffer horribly from mounting threats to their security, such as increasing numbers of roadside bombs and suicide attacks, and regular aerial bombing raids," said Pierre Kraehenbuehl, director of ICRC operations. ...

The neutral agency said that since 2006 the violence had significantly intensified in the south and east and was spreading to the north and west, bringing a "growing number of civilian casualties."

That might have something to do with the twin facts that the enemy actually targets civilians and deliberately hides among civilians to either deter our attacks or gain propaganda points when civilians die in the attack.

But when the whole civilian deaths issue is treated this supposedly "neutral" way, the stories imply that America is at fault for fighting in Afghanistan rather than the fault of the enemy for their unlawful behavior that causes the casualties.

Our enemies are evil. We should just kill them and make no apologies for killing them.