Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Lost Tribe of Israel

Who knew that Fatah is a lost tribe of Israel? They must be. Consider Hamas' hatred of Fatah:

Hamas leaders in the West Bank have been driven underground by a Fatah campaign of kidnappings and arrests, but the Islamic militants warn they'll eventually come out of hiding to try to destabilize the rule of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas with car bombings and assassinations.

And the Jewish nature of Fatah isn't apparent just from the determination of Hamas to kill Fatah members. Fatah doesn't have the Jimmy Carter-level of faith in talks with such terrorists:

"The only way to deal with Hamas ... is by dismantling every single military cell in the West Bank, and that's what the security apparatus is doing now," said Kamal Abu Rob, a Fatah lawmaker.

Yep, a lost tribe of Israel. Nothing else makes sense.