Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Diplomatic Gordie Howe Hat Trick

John Kerry probably honestly believes he is about to get a triple score hat trick in diplomacy with this nuanced proposal:

In exchange for [convicted spy Jonathan] Pollard, Israel would agree to release 26 prisoners, among them around 20 Arab Israelis, and the Palestinians would agree to continue talks until the end of 2014, according to Army Radio.

So Kerry proposes we let a spy go, undermining our outrage about Snowden and so losing the point that Snowden harmed our national security; release Palestinian terrorists, which will assist the Palestinians who will go back to killing civilians; and get the Palestinians to sit at a particular table until after the fall elections are safely over, putting off--but not stopping--a fight between the Israelis and Hamas until next year.

Which actually makes it a Gordie Howe hat trick.