Saturday, August 31, 2013

Leading From the Behind

At this point I'd like to remind everyone that Hagel and Kerry lead our foreign policy team for President Obama. President Obama selected them, of course.

As our president unilaterally dithers over how to ineffectively strike Syria (cosmetic surgical strikes?) for actually crossing the chemical weapons Red Line that President Obama never thought Assad would actually cross, let us ponder, as Ms. Minerva gently hints, that our foreign policy has gone from "leading from behind" over Libya to "leading from the behind" over Syria.

Who in the State Department was responsible for that edit, I wonder?

Oh, and while Mad Minerva also highlights an Iowahawk comment about why the Obama administration hasn't brought out our "exit strategy" before going into battle, a have no questions.

Please, the president has announced our exit before our cruise missiles even enter Syrian air space.

Given that I heap scorn on the concept "exit strategy" as nothing more than a declaration of when we will admit defeat and run away, I have no fears that the president doesn't have an exit strategy. He's pre-exited as a default mode.