Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Code Pat

Does Pat Buchanan mind that he is indistinguishable from any Code Pink Chapter? I mean no difference other than having less facial hair than their members, of course.

How can this man call himself a conservative and say this?

On this weekend’s broadcast of “The McLaughlin Group,” conservative commentator Pat Buchanan blamed the United States for the aggression of North Korea, whose recent surprise nuclear test brought widespread condemnation from the international community. ...

“Why should the United States — 60 years after the end of the Korean War — have 28,000 guys on the DMZ, when South Korea has an economy 40 times the size of the North, and they got twice the population? The point is, if the United States weren’t on the DMZ, this guy wouldn’t be building intercontinental missiles and nuclear warheads to attack us.”

We don't have 28,000 troops on the DMZ. We have about that many in South Korea. Of them, only a few thousand are in a single Army brigade combat team. Indeed, we've been pulling our troops back from the DMZ just as North Korea has accelerated their nuclear and missile programs.

Most of our troops are moving south of Seoul or to the southeast.

So Buchanan needs to find another cause and effect. Like, oh, I don't know, that the North Koreans are murderous, communist, bastards?

Once, Buchanan wouldn't have had a problem understanding that explanation. Now he just blames us for standing with an ally.

No doubt, Pat will get his own talk show on Current TV now that Al Gore sold it to Al Jazeera.