Friday, December 14, 2012

The EU Can't Handle the Truth

So the Europeans are patting their bureaucracy on the back for peace in Europe and good will on the same. Medals all around, eh Euros? Not so fast, Sparky.

Why see The Hobbit to see a fantasy land in action?

On Monday, the Nobel Peace Prize was presented to the European Union, with the claim that the EU was essential for post-World War II reconciliation and “probably the most dramatic example in history to show that war and conflict can be turned so rapidly into peace and cooperation.” ...

But it’s not churlish to note that all these pats on the back for the EU ignore the role NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, played in establishing the very security conditions for the EU to be born, to grow, and to mature into the entity it is today. Moreover, whatever soft power the EU has wielded in turning former enemies, like Poland and Germany, into partner states, it was little more than a decade ago that NATO stepped in to put an end to the bloody mess in the Balkans—when the EU couldn’t.

What's that? Right. NATO. You remember them? NATO would be the organization in Europe that doesn't have anything to do with cheese regulation. The one with America in it.

You remember America, right? We're the country that the Europeans needed to take down the shaken regime of Khadaffi in Libya. Libya!

Yet it was the EU that kept the Soviets at bay for 40 years in the most dramatic example in history showing that war and conflict can be turned so rapidly into peace and cooperation?

The Europeans really believe this rot.

Somebody in an American military uniform needs to have a chat with the Euros. I know, how about this man?

Forgive the Euros for not understanding the truth about their peace and cooperation. They've had the luxury of not needing to know the truth while NATO manned the walls.

The Euros can't handle the truth.