Monday, June 04, 2012

Why God Gave Us JDAM

North Korea is being all North Korea-like:

North Korea's military threatened Monday to blow up the Seoul offices of South Korean media outlets following critical coverage of a mass children's event in Pyongyang.

The military general staff, in an unusually detailed statement on the official news agency, said missile units and other forces had fixed the longitude and latitude coordinates for several firms' offices in central Seoul.

Oh, please. From threats of creating a "sea of fire" in Seoul to threatening a "sea of precision?" Not so scary, dudes. It's a step back, fright-wise.

Besides, North Korea shouldn't throw precision rocks in a glass house. South Korea has precision weapons and their weapons will work:

The South Korean military wants to spend over $2 billion on missiles during the next five years. This is in an effort to quickly weaken the North Korean artillery and missile forces in any future war. The South Korean plan is to purchase and deploy over thousand new ballistic and cruise missiles. These would be aimed at specific North Korea missile launchers and artillery positions. In the event of a war, the South Korean missiles would be quickly launched, and every North Korean missile or artillery weapon destroyed would mean less destruction in South Korean territory. The North Korea plan had always been to start any future war with an enormous bombardment by shells, rockets and missiles. Most would be aimed at the South Korean capital, and largest city, Seoul.

I have doubts that this can work, and think that South Korea will need to carve out a no-launch zone north of the DMZ to really protect Seoul.

But have no doubt that we have the coordinates for a lot of targets in North Korea.

If only the North Koreans could restrict a war to a battle between forced mass children's pageants, North Korea would have a real shot at winning.