Thursday, June 07, 2012

Tuesday, 7 JUN 88

11:50 [a.m.] Got 2-1/2 hours of sleep.
Real cluster today. Had 5 minutes
to fall out. No shave. No teeth.
Luckily I went to sleep in uniform
after fire watch. Whole company on
detail. I got bounced around at 2
mess halls, finally mowed
lawn for a few hours at
theatre. Hit 90 degrees today.
Lunch soon. No training but
a tiring day so far. I think
I'll have to finish lawn after lunch.
7:20 [p.m.] I'll finish up my
entry now. Fire guard tonight.
No guard duty though. I never did
have to finish grass. Tiring day.
Details all day. Pretty screwed
up day. No late sleep like we
were supposed to. My back doesn't
feel that much better but I go off
code tomorrow. I held on to it
long enough to avoid guard duty.
30 more days.

Sometimes you just don't have time to get ready and you have to cut corners. Shaving and brushing my teeth were my cut corners that morning. And sleep, of course. That was cut. At least I had an advantage over others by just needing to put on my boots and gear.

And all that rushing was so we could go on base chore duty for the day. Of course, that was back in the day when soldiers rather than contractors did more of the mickey mouse stuff.

I have no idea why I slipped into British spelling.

Oh yeah, at one point in the evening the entire company was put on base guard duty. I missed it. The company was broken up into teams and dropped off all around the base to defend the base. Only the fact that we had no ammunition allowed me to be sure we weren't part of a revolt and that other American troops would be trying to take the base, like in Dr. Strangelove.

I was about to fully rejoin the company after the expiration of my sick call code. I could only hope my back was good enough to make it through the last 30 days. Although I already knew I wouldn't be getting much sleep.