Thursday, August 03, 2023

Never let Them See You Sweat

North Korea wants to bully South Korea and others with nuclear threats. Never let them see you sweat.

Back off

Seoul told North Korea Friday that using its nukes would mean the "end'"of Kim Jong Un's regime, after Pyongyang threatened nuclear retaliation over growing US military deployments on the peninsula. 

South Korea is focusing on precision weapons to go after North Korean leadership. Also, I suspect South Korea would carve out a "no-launch zone" across the DMZ to protect Seoul. And more

Plus its ally, the United States, has nukes. And if it had to, South Korea could build nuclear weapons, too.

I was skeptical the precision assassination angle was workable when I first heard about it. But the entirety of the picture gives South Korea's resolve a real foundation.

North Korea does the same thing to show resolve. But with more flying spittle and less of a foundation in reality:

The presence of a nuclear-capable U.S. ballistic missile submarine in South Korea could meet the conditions set by North Korea for a preemptive nuclear strike, according to the regime’s defense minister.

This is nonsense.

First, a ballistic missile submarine in port is hardly the ideal first strike weapon.

Second, A "preemptive" strike by North Korea would just provoke a South Korean response and possibly an American response that might go nuclear, too. It's not as if knocking out that sub would eliminate our nuclear arsenal.

I resume normal programming waiting for the North Korean regime to just die already. Smile and nod at the Pillsbury Nuke Boy until then.

UPDATE: I don't the problem of a nuclear-armed North Korea. The major worry I have is that if North Korea gets nukes they will have one method to know they are under nuclear attack--mushroom clouds visible to North Korean elites. That's their only warning. So I worry that North Korea will have a "launch on warning worry" nuclear launch policy. With their paranoia expanding what they worry about.

NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 continues here.