Wednesday, January 04, 2023

The Suicidal Imperial Instinct

Russia doesn't recognize that former subjects can remain former subjects. How much will Russia lose trying to attain that goal?

Russia needs to stop viewing its former subjects as natural future subjects

The Russian imperial itch is so deeply embedded, it must be excised not just from Russian capability but from the intention and mindset of elites and in the popular imagination. That is hard to achieve when so many believe in it as fervently as a religion – even the Russian Orthodox Church invokes a messianism in Russia’s imperial 'rights'. 

I'm sick of hearing about how we're supposed to accept understand Russian territorial objectives.

As I've said:

I'm tired of hearing how we need to understand Russia's security worries and accept their demands for land to ease their worries.

Maybe defeat in Ukraine can start that process:

Putin bit off more than he can chew in Ukraine. His only hope is to negotiate deals with Ukraine, NATO, India, South Korea, and Japan to let Russia pivot to Asia to fend off Chinese threats to Russian interests in Central Asia and the Far East.

But I'm guessing that losing control of some of its Far East territory to China will be required for the beginning of wisdom in Moscow

But if Putin doesn't get a whack with the clue bat, Putin may take down Russia with him in his Viking funeral ride through Ukraine.


NOTE: Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.