Friday, January 06, 2023


If we're going to keep witnessing this January 6th celebration nonsense, let's turn the dials to 11. I propose January 6th be known as Fascistivus.

Has it been two years already since "our democracy" was nearly overthrown by rioters who inexplicably did not bring their firearms to the insurrection?

I say we need to commemorate this glorious Wag the Dog pageant of the Resistance fighting back against evil Nazis trying to take over the government by the well established precedent of entering the Capitol Building and chanting.

Key elements  of this Fascistivus for the rest of us include:

The Fascistivus Speaker's podium, because when you are serious about taking control of the government, you need a symbol of power as if you'd drawn a freaking magical sword from a rock.

The Fascistivus dinner. Bacon and Bud Light.

The airing of micro-grievances. Your feelings about January 6th are all that matter. No matter where you were or what the threat was. Expressed on Twitter. With no more than 280 characters.

The feats of hysteria. Just review the House January 6th Committee proceedings. Or any media story from 2021-2022 about why the awful riot was in fact a threat to our democracy. If you want the executive summary, just watch the Biden speech from the gates of Hell about how half of America is a threat to "our democracy." 

Simply screaming to the skies is acceptable.

Fascistivus miracles. Well, the fact that the coup attempt that involved no firearms and lots of insurrectionists walking between the velvet ropes inside the Capitol Building taking selfies inexplicably failed to seize the government and begin the Trumptatorship is the biggest miracle. 

Even after Trump had four years to prepare his long anticipated Hitler 2.0 plot, somehow it failed. Your personal survival of the insurrection is also a miracle. So there are lots of miracles that day. 

Except for the one unarmed protester who the Capitol Police shot and killed as she tried to enter the Capitol Building.

A Day of Remembrance and Vigilance!

So there you go. Fascistivus. Never forget the brave Resistance that stopped fascism in its tracks that fateful day. It was so damned close.

[Seriously, concerning January 6, 2021. I was horrified at the riot as it happened. But it was a riot grown out of a broader protest, and not an insurrection. 

All protests seek to delay government proceedings--like Code Pink protests in Senate hearing rooms or the Democratic months-long takeover of the Wisconsin capitol building (was the pro-Trump protester mistake not chanting "This is what democracy looks like" when they entered the Capitol?)--or to delay daily life of people stuck in the protests--or more, like the BLM/Antifa protests and subset of riots in 2020--to draw attention to proclaimed grievances.

The protests at the Capitol Building were nothing more than a cry of grievances and a call for delay to sort things out--until some got way out of hand. I think they were misguided. But I think the same of so many leftists protesters who get out of hand in their actions.

Punish those involved appropriately. And stop pretending we were close to tyranny on January 6th. As Biden said, you need more than guns to take over the federal government--like F-15s and perhaps nukes.

The government bureaucracy's--through the FBI--increasing indirect control of social media was a far greater step toward tyranny.]

UPDATE: Darn. This holiday conflicts with another horror our nation endured on another January 6th.

UPDATE: Oh, and notwithstanding the continuing claims by many Democrats, five people were not killed in that riot (and some claims are that 5 officers were killed). One unarmed woman was shot and killed by the Capitol Police. One officer died from causes unrelated to the riot long after the riot was over. And three protesters died from health reasons unrelated to the riot.

NOTE: Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.