Friday, December 16, 2022

Chef Macron Starts Cracking Eggs

Ukraine and the defense of NATO are mere eggs for the lovely Brussels Omelet that Macron wishes to whisk up.

Why on Earth is Macron essentially negotiating with other Western powers for Putin? 

The West should consider how to address Russia's need for security guarantees if President Vladimir Putin agrees to negotiations about ending the war in Ukraine, French President Emmanuel Macron said in remarks broadcast on Saturday.

Why negotiate a concession to Russia absent Russia offering something in return first? All Putin has to do is sit back, kill Ukrainian civilians, and wait for the West to compete with itself for more concessions before Russia even begins to think about talking!

This is a violation of Negotiations 101. 

Of course, if Macron is simply trying to strengthen the proto-imperial European Union to strip away the pesky prefix, his diplomacy makes more sense. 

Macron's diplomacy has nothing to do with saving Ukraine.

Don't forget that Macron is an emperor in search of an empire:

Are we going to let an egomaniac build an anti-American empire in Europe? Oh, I'm not talking about Putin. We're resisting him. I'm talking about France's Macron.

You doubt me? France's Macron "has sought to empower the European Union to counterbalance the apparent regional dominance between China and the United States." That's right, Macron apparently thinks that the morally equivalent America and China need sophisticated and--dare I say--nuanced European power to balance them. 

What are the limits of what the EU would surrender to get the authority to carry out that role?

I shudder to think what the EU apparatchiki would surrender to get that sovereign power? Chinese control of European telecommunications? Ukraine? Belarus? Some of the new NATO countries in the east that can be safely thrown to the Russian wolves to preserve the "real" European countries farther from Russia's grasp?

Would the EU agree to a new version of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk that offers their enemies territorial and diplomatic concessions to ensure the creation and consolidation of the EU Empire?

Macron seeks to sit on the throne of an EU Empire where the sun never sets. That proposed empire is a threat to America and to Europeans who value liberty.

NOTE: Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.