Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Other Guys

Are we going to let an egomaniac build an anti-American empire in Europe? Oh, I'm not talking about Putin. We're resisting him. I'm talking about France's Macron.

Macron exploits Russia's invasion of Ukraine for his own glory:

Smile flashing, giving a thumbs-up, Emmanuel Macron appears at Europe’s center stage again — literally.

The photo of over 40 European leaders surrounding the French president Thursday ensured a symbolic image of unity of the continent faced with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, making the inaugural summit of the European Political Community an initial success for Macron, who launched the idea a few months ago. 

The European Political Community. Because a European Economic Community--the predecessor to the European Union--was never enough for the proto-imperial European apparatchiki. 

And for Macron, the would-be emperor needs an empire to rule, right?

I suspect this announcement is related to Macron's ambitions for himself and the EU:

French President Emmanuel Macron ruled out nuclear retaliation against Russia if the Kremlin nuked Ukraine.
After Brexit, France is the only nuclear weapons power in the EU. So Macron tells Europeans that France is the nuclear umbrella. Macron controls France. And if you are nice, Macron will extend that nuclear deterrent to you.

Have no doubt that the European Union is a proto-imperial project eager to get rid of the prefix. The crisis of Russia's invasion of Ukraine is just another pretext to expand EU powers. I mean, defeating Russia doesn't seem to be a high priority for Macron:

France has repeatedly been in critics' sights over its lower level of military support to Ukraine compared with allies, but officials and experts say capacity rather than political will is at the root of the differences.

Russia invaded in February. France couldn't have increased weapons production capacity? As if that rather than political will is the problem holding back French assistance to Ukraine! Instead, Macron finds he can leverage the crisis--up to Russian nuclear threats--to push for an EU empire that France effectively controls.

The EU is a danger to America and to Europeans themselves who value freedom:

It is easy to forget--and this was a useful reminder to me--that Europe with its autocracies and monarchies was not fully part of a free West (although obviously part of the Western tradition) until we rebuilt Western Europe in that template after World War II. And NATO expansion after defeating the Soviet Union was more explicit in demanding democracy and rule of law for new members.

If Europe becomes a political entity under the European Union rather than a geographic term, democracy and freedom will erode as the EU undermines NATO and ejects American influence from Europe.

Heck, maybe the threat of a more politically powerful EU is a means to end Russia's suicidal and irrational demonization of America and NATO.

But those outside of the bloc don't see the danger (back to the initial article):

Other leaders thanked Macron for his initiative, despite initial concerns from some that it might slow down expansion of the European Union.

Patience, eager victims. The empire must be stitched together before it can come for you. 

Will the pieces rouse themselves to stop the monster from being animated?

NOTE: War updates continue here.