Tuesday, February 06, 2018

More Cow Bell!

Communist Cuba has decided to freeze their officially sanctioned free enterprise. Because Venezuela has shown that more socialism is the way to go for prosperity, right?

Well, they're screwed. then:

Eight years [after allowing some free enterprise], on the verge of leaving office, Castro has thrown the brakes on private enterprise in Cuba again, warning of the rapid pace of change and criminal activity. The decision has raised fundamental questions about the nation's economic path.

Of course, "criminal" activity can just mean prospering outside of state control.

Cuba relied on the USSR to subsidize their communist state and then turned to Venezuela after the Soviets collapsed. With Venezuela going down and unable to prop up Cuba's dictatorship, Cuba hoped that America would subsidize Cuba with tourism and investment--and hoped Obama would officially open the spigots to save the regime.

But the Cuban government values control more than it values prosperity. That's working well for Venezuela.

Well, there's always Canada and Europe to save Castro's island paradise.