Wednesday, January 01, 2014


The Syrians failed to thank America, and John Kerry in particular, for their unexpected recovery from a crisis that threatened to send the minority dictatorship packing.

No love for the Obama administration?

The Syrian government is on course to score major diplomatic "victories" thanks to the unfailing support of its allies, including Russia, Iran and China, its prime minister said on Tuesday. ...

"The historic and most important decision was the decision of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad to adhere to the Chemical Weapons Convention," said Halqi, adding that Syria had avoided "certain aggression".

Yes. As was obvious from the beginning, Syria's temporary adherence to the chemical weapons treaty that John Kerry probably thinks will earn him a Nobel Peace Prize is a regime survival ploy. And it's working to give Assad a fighting killing chance to emerge alive.

And it was all thanks to us. Yet the ingrates in Damascus don't even thank us for vital help that our allies can only dream of getting from us.