Monday, January 27, 2014

The Degooglization Begins

Emerging from economic and fiscal crises, some Californians naturally turn on those who are succeeding.

Instapundit notes that Californian leftists are targeting protests at technology workers, including Google researchers.

If Tea Party members acted this way, the press would be tutting about how it justified their prejudice against people simply tired of the government getting too large and spending too much.

But good-hearted lefties are doing it. So, you know, shut up about it.

Tech workers might have thought that the fact that they voted for President Obama and that the Occupy dolts all loved their iPhones and whatnot insulated the highly paid tech workers from their 1% tantrums, but that was not the case.

Google has as their slogan, "Don't be evil." But Google executives will find that their supposed allies want to define what "evil" means.

Kulaks are enemies of the people, remember.

This will not work out well for California if the protest movement gets really rolling. Companies moved to California. Companies can leave California.