Sunday, January 12, 2014


Whoa. "Trust" should not be in the play book when dealing with Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Are you kidding me?

The U.N. atomic watchdog is considering increasing its presence in Iran to better handle a bigger workload in verifying Tehran is implementing a landmark deal with world powers to curb its nuclear programme, diplomats said. ...

It was unclear whether the U.N. agency had already raised the matter with Iran, which would need to approve it.

Iran routinely lies about wonder weapons it is developing to defeat the great Satan. Lying is virtually a cabinet-level position in the mullahcracy in Iran.

Yet somehow a massive International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) presence in Iran isn't something we insist on (getting past the stupidity of even having talks with Iran over a nuclear weapons program that Iran denies even having), but just something the IAEA is considering might be a good idea?

And counting on Iran's permission to do so?

Our foreign policy must be seeking a nuclear Iran. Because our actions can't be explained by any other goal.

UPDATE: The evidence does support the notion that we want Iran to go nuclear:

The speed at which the United States, Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia are advancing Iran’s nuclear ambitions is mind-boggling.

It's mind bottling, in fact.

Things are so crazy that the P5+1 grouping's thoughts are all trapped--like in a bottle.