Thursday, October 03, 2013

Time to Pray for Divine Intervention

Oh goodie, Kerry and Hagel believe they are up to the task of outnegotiating the Iranians.

The Iranians can surely judge Allah is on their side as they consider the ginormous reservoirs of brain power and resolve arrayed against them over Iran's nuclear ambitions (tip to Instapundit):

Rapprochement with Iran won’t come at the expense of Israel’s security or its relationship with the United States, top Obama administration officials said Thursday, but they added that it would be “diplomatic malpractice” not to explore whether Iran’s nuclear program can be defused peacefully.

The forceful defense of engagement made by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Secretary of State John F. Kerry during a visit here with their Japanese counterparts was the first high-level U.S. answer to a blistering rebuke delivered Tuesday by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israeli leader warned that the West is being fooled by the new, friendlier face of Iranian leadership that is being offered by President Hassan Rouhani.

Hagel and Kerry built highly lucrative careers by being fooled. Why would they change now?

FAce it, Iran will take their lunch money and leave them stripped to their underwear tied to a tree outside the Geneva negotiation rooms the morning after they talk.

Yes, it's time to ask for God's help. These guys will throw elbows at each other to get to the microphone to be the first to announce a denuclearized Iran for our time.