Thursday, October 03, 2013

I'm Confused

Democrats have been accusing Republicans of being on a "jihad" and of being "suicide bombers," "terrorists," and "hostage takers" for not just signing the check and moving on, letting an unpopular act not ready for prime time go forward unchanged (except where President Obama wants to administratively change it).

And they say these things as insults. Over a spending bill stalemate.

First off, I thought dissent was Patriotic. Downright Holy and sanctifying the dissenter by being proof of noble intent. And this was about dissent over fighting and winning the Iraq War. A place with actual terrorist suicide bombers on a jihad and taking hostages.

Seriously, why can't Democrats work up any outrage over actual jihadi terrorists waging an actual jihad--against us and the West in general?

Nah! We did something to cause their rage. It's freaking understandable that they react to Britney Spear's Infidel navel corrupting Moslem males by attacking a mall, or something equally horrifying.

Who wouldn't react that way? All we need is more cowbell outreach, and we can work it out with the Islamists.

But no, Democrats seem uninterested in waging the actual war against actual jihadi terrorists, preferring to insist that the tide of war has receded. Shoot, put Iran's Rouhani on freaking speed dial in the Oval Office!

But the president is tired of talking to Congressional Republicans, as if he has been doing this from day one rather than lecturing the opposition that "I won" and that "elections have consequences," so he'll do what he wants.

Well, somebody is confused. I never believed President Obama ever thought of himself as a war president. I could be mistaken. Apparently, President Obama and his party believe they are at war with Republicans--the real threat to the republic they wish to create.