Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Chicken Hawks

Mark Steyn notes the bizarre use of an EPA SWAT Team in Chicken, Alaska:

“[A]n EPA SWAT team of heavily armed and armored agents conducted ‘paperwork’ inspections on small mining operations in what attempts to be nothing more than an effort to intimidate and scare hardworking Americans,” said Rep. Doug Lamborn, Colorado Republican, who heads the House Resources Committee's subcommittee on energy and mineral resources.

Well, if their papers were possibly not in order, what do they expect? Form letters?

But as Steyn writes, the very notion that the EPA needs a SWAT Team is the most bizarre thing here. What the Hell? Is there a race to avoid being the last cabinet-level official without your own paramilitary strike force?

We seem unwilling to admit we fight Islamo-fascists in the war on terror yet wage a real armed war on alleged water polluters?

If so, can we get the EPA to rule that IEDs give off illegal pollutants and harm ground water from the manufacturing process? Turn Guantanamo Bay into a Polluters Reeducation Camp and it will stay open forever. Get those jihadis polluters sorting their trash into a dozen different recycling bins every day and they'll go on real hunger strikes to end their agony.

The war would be over in a week, I dare say, if our Green fanatics go up against their Green fanatics.