Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Blood For Oil

This development sort of makes our Alaska drilling debates seem rather tame, eh?

North Sudan has massed what looks like a large convoy of troops in its Southern Kordofan oil state, the site of clashes that have threatened the peaceful secession of the south, a satellite monitoring group said on Wednesday.

But perhaps it only "looks like" a large convoy of troops. Maybe it is the Khartoum welcome wagon loaded down with pop and hot dogs and donuts to welcome South Sudan to the neighborhood. Maybe--just maybe--one of the crappiest Hell-hole countries on Earth, about to be divided into two of the crappiest Hell-hole countries on Earth, isn't about to plow all that money they've earned from oil exports into a nice war to snatch more oil wells so that the other crappy Hell-hole country within the borders of the current single Hell-hole country soon-to-be-formerly-known-as "Sudan" won't have as much oil.

Play their cards right and they'll both be worse off than if they never discovered oil in the first place.

I imagine that the turnover rate of volunteer staff in NGOs working to better life for Sudanese is really, really high.