Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Well, it Usually Works

Look, the Israelis aren't saints. And some of their settlers are fairly nutso. But you shouldn't have a doubt that democratic Israel is head and shoulders above their enemies.

Even assuming that sometimes Israelis do some awful things to Palestinians, how bad can the Israelis be if the Global Left and the Palestinians have to stage bad behavior?

European leftists and local Arabs were captured on video as they set fire to Arab owned olive trees near a Jewish West Bank settlement. These burning are usually blamed on Jewish settlers, and sometimes it's true, especially when settlers are seeking revenge for a recent Arab attack on them. The Palestinians have long used hoax attacks like this to make the Israelis look bad. But the growing proliferation of video cameras has made it more difficult for the Palestinians to hide these activities. Meanwhile, while the West Bank Palestinian leaders go through the motions of negotiating with Israel, the Palestinian media continues its barrage of "Israel has no right to exist" propaganda. The European leftists have been coming to the West Bank and urging the locals to be more violent towards the Israeli settlers. This often triggers counterattacks, which make great propaganda, because much of the Western media depicts Palestinians as victims whenever they are fighting Israelis, for whatever reason.

The European Leftists may not goose step, but that's probably only because their Crocs would go flying off their feet. Goebbels would be proud of how the next generation of anti-Semites works to kill Jews