I took Lamb to her school's Halloween party last week (She was the Tooth Fairy--and no, it was not some type of Ironic Statement on getting free candy. She chose it.).
She won some cake in the cake walk--and gave it away to a friend since she had lots of birthday cake at home.
And she tried--like every other girl in the school--to win the kitten poster. She won on the second round after the initial winner was not present to collect.
Lamb's mom not so subtlely declined the honor of the poster. So daddy got the duty. What can I do? I love my daughter, dearly and she really wanted this displayed.
Lamb selected a place on the wall in my living room. I only limited her by saying she could not take down any of my art work to place hers up. She could take down her Fairies poster by her desk, of course.
But no, there is a blank spot on one wall that doesn't really justify art based on furniture placement. But the poster fit just fine. (Actually, it would be just above the lamp shade in my photo in the upper left corner.)
This is Lamb's poster:
That's little-girl cute, no doubt. Lamb loves it.
My home is still a babe magnet with this up on the wall, right?
Oh, Lord. I am so not screwed ... Fur Ever single.