Sunday, June 07, 2009

The Toleration of the Intolerable

This is unbelievable--although actually, sadly, not unbelievable:

From the Brussels Journal comes the mind-blowing story of a left-wing Dutch journalist, Joanie de Rijke, who went to Afghanistan to conduct a sympathetic interview with Taliban jihadists who had just killed 10 French troops. Naturally, she was abducted and serially raped for six days. And now she is angry ... not at the chief Taliban thug — who showed her "respect," though, regrettably, "he could not control his testosterone" — but at the Dutch and Belgian governments who refused to pay the $2 million ransom the jihadists demanded.

As I've written before, when it comes to our jihadi enemies, some of our people in the West are honored to be their victim:

Our multi-cultis are capable of excusing any offense by our enemies and magnifying any flaw on our side to excuse beheadings and honor killings and whatever else our jihadi enemies decide we deserve. When some on our side decide to be nonjudgmental, the sky's the limit for our enemies.

So of course Ms. de Rijke could conclude her jihadi captors could respect her and rape her at the same time. She'd already concluded they are the good guys, and nothing they could do--even serially rape her--could change her mind.

Is it any wonder that the jihadis believe God is on their side? What do they have to do to piss some of us off?

And someone should explain to the reporter that governments usually only pay ransom to get their own people back. She's not one of us, it is clear. We should be asking for a ransom from the Taliban to give her back to the jihadis.