Thursday, April 02, 2009

Afghan War, Huh, Yeah. What is it 'Good' For? Absolutely Nothing, Uh-Huh

For being the "good war," people sure are getting nervous about how much our allies are willing to help us there and what it means for the future of NATO:

"NATO's credibility is on the line," said Sandy Berger, who served as national security advisor during the Clinton administration. "NATO needs to succeed in Afghanistan," Berger added in an interview. "If it doesn't, it really does undermine the vitality of the alliance."

Or as John Bolton put it, "Ironically, the risk here is that Afghanistan looked like the future of NATO. It could become its graveyard." A former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations for George W. Bush, Bolton added that, "It's in our interest to keep NATO viable. But it's not in our interest to keep NATO viable at any cost."

I simply must lack the nuance gene--curse you, parents!--because I just don't get how our European NATO allies can refuse to enthusiastically respond to our new Europeanized president's request that they do more in the "good war."

Sheesh, what's the Europeans' problem? It's not like Bush asking for help in Iraq, right? Heck, Bush probably can't even pronounce 'Pakistan' with the right sensitive inflection!

How can the Europeans keep acting like George W. Bush is still president?