Friday, April 24, 2009

Reset, Talk, Reset, Talk, Kaboom

It seems like the West will embark on another round of negotiations with Iran over their nuclear programs. So far we've been unable to get our allies to back real sanctions. And we can't get China or Russia to abstain from using their Security Council veto to block real sanctions.

But the administration says our presence will spark talks.

And if Iran stiffs us this time and refuses to work with us, the international community will have little choice but to back our call for real sanctions.

So how'd that work out with North Korea, a country stiffing us which has actually set off a nuclear device?

Russia's foreign minister on Friday renewed his country's opposition to sanctions against North Korea for its rocket launch and called for efforts to revive the stalled talks on ending Pyongyang's nuclear programs.

North Korea last week expelled international nuclear monitors, vowed to restart its atomic program and quit disarmament negotiations to protest the U.N. Security Council condemnation of its April 5 rocket launch.

North Korea has no oil to export and is clearly aspiring to nuclear missiles. But still the sainted international community will do nothing of substance.

But I'm sure our allies, the Russians, and the Chinese, will be much more responsible and open to sanctioning Iran than they have been with North Korea.