Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Well This Will Be Great for Morale

After our troops and our Afghan allies heroically held Fort Apache against heavy odds, we have abandoned the outpost?

Omar Sami, spokesman for the Nuristan provincial governor, said American and Afghan soldiers left the base Tuesday.

NATO confirmed that the post, which lies amid precipitous mountains close to the Pakistan border, had been vacated while insisting that international and Afghan troops will "retain a strong presence in that area with patrolling and other means."

Good grief, why would be abandon what we paid such a relatively high price in blood to defend?

I can't believe this is a good thing for morale. We expect our troops to hold, and these 173rd Airborne paratroopers did their duty. They won that battle, inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy despite being heavily outnumbered.

And we abandoned the fort when it was over.

We just gave our enemies a victory for free.

I'd love to read something that refutes my impression.