Saturday, July 05, 2008

War and Remembrance

In an age when former war supporters have lost their memory if not their minds, it is good to remember why we went to war with Iraq.

And it is even more important to remember that we made the right choice at the time:

Thoughtful, patriotic Americans differed then and now on whether the risk of leaving Saddam in power outweighed the risk of war. But Mr. Bush concluded that it did, and that war therefore was necessary. In Congress, many Democrats as well as Republicans supported that conclusion. Debates will continue over whether the president should have balanced the risks differently. But characterizing the Iraq war as "a war of choice" sheds no light on the issue.

I think the world we are building by invading Iraq and liberating the Iraqis will be far better than the world we would have had to cope with had we left Saddam in power. But at the very least let's stop the silly talk that forgets our history with Saddam and the debate that led to war.