Thursday, September 13, 2007

Support the Left

Opponents of the war are quick to claim they want to support the troops by bringing them home.

I doubt their sincerity, but lets assume they are right.

Does this mean I can claim to support the Left by winning the war for their benefit?

Consider, these Leftists are the ones who feel chilled by the mere possibility that the government will know what books they check out of the library. They feel horrified that a call from Osama might be tapped. They agonize over every security measure, imagining that this is another nail in the coffin of our civil rights.

Face it, if we pull out of Iraq without winning and the jihadis are emboldened (and they will be--how else will they explain victory after we've kicked their tail all over Iraq these last several years but by attributing it to god's will?), the passive security measures that will be required to keep bombs from going off here will make Ashcroft look like the head of the ACLU by comparison (well, the Left's imaginary Ashcroft, of course).

In the end, the Left can pilfer another bumper sticker slogan for their efforts: They have to destroy the Army in order to save it.

Getting General Petraeus is just the beginning of this process.

Remember, defeat will harm our Army and Marines more than stress will:

[Although] removing U.S. forces from Iraq would relieve the immediate pressure on the ground forces, it would also almost certainly lead to a humiliating defeat of those forces. Such a defeat will inflict its own damage on the well-being of the U.S. military, which has not yet lost a war since it became an all-volunteer force after Vietnam. And the president must also weigh the damage now being done to the military against the possibly greater damage that might result from a need to reengage in the Middle East in coming years after Iraq has collapsed and spread greater chaos through a region of vital national interest to the United States.

Is our Left supportive of our troops enough to forsake their defeat? Don't hold your breath waiting for that bit of compassion.

So support the Left. Bring them victory in Iraq.