Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Odd Man to Be Out

Japan won't supply North Korea with goodies while the fate of its citizens is unresolved:

Japan is faced with hard choices on North Korea with its hardline stance leaving it the odd man out after a compromise deal on the communist state's nuclear programme.

Japan has ruled out any funding for the agreement, reached Tuesday in six-nation talks that included Tokyo, until it resolves a row with North Korea over its past kidnappings of Japanese civilians.

What kind of strange world is it where Japan is the "odd man out" in any grouping that includes China, Russia, and North Korea?

How can Japan be called "hardline" because it is upset that the crime syndicate with a UN seat and nuclear power won't explain what happened to the Japanese citizens that North Korea kidnapped over the years?

Ah yes, those values of the vaunted international community on display again.